Would you like to join Rainbow Dragons?
If you would like to try dragon boating before joining our Club, you can apply for a Dragon Pass which allows you to access training sessions for up to 28 days within 4 consecutive weeks, completely free of charge. Our Membership Officer will happily assist you with this (see Contacts page). Membership costs include affiliation and insurance with our National and State bodies – the Australian Dragon Boat Federation (AusDBF) and Dragon Boats NSW (DBNSW) as well as the individual club membership fee. These fees may vary each year.
ALL MEMBERS PLEASE NOTE: Upon joining or renewing membership, each member is requested to read the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) (see link below) that RRDBC holds with RDA and indicate your understanding and agreement with this MOU. It is also a requirement of membership to agree to the terms set out by AusDBF & DBNSW as well as the National Code of Conduct. This information must also be read upon joining or renewing membership, and can also be found at https://www.dbnsw.org.au/registration/terms/
Membership is valid for 12 months from the date of joining.
Are you a returning member of RRDBC? If you are renewing your membership, click here
If you are a new paddler, have you checked out the New Members Information Booklet (see link below) ? If you would like to join Rainbow Dragons click here
Terms and Conditions for Membership here